WE KNOW THE GUESTS OF THE 24. DEF - 28. Dny evropského filmu


The press conference of 24. DEF is over

The press conference, held on Monday, April 3, 2017 in Nostitz Palace, the Ministry of Culture, presented in detail to all the journalists the news of 24. DEF. Speakers were Julietta Sichel – the producer of the films The Chronicles of Melanie and Ministry of Love, Magdaléna Frouzová – spokesperson of the Representation of the European Commission in the Czech Republic and Zdeněk Blaha – DEF dramaturg, who spoked mainly about the program sections. For the first time we heard the guests’ names of the film festival.

The opening film Smoke and Mirrors will be introduced by producer Francisco Javier Ramos Quiñones. It is worth to mention three films made within the Czech minority co-productions. DEF offer the movie The Chronicles of Melanie by screenwriter and director Viesturs Kairiss, who will be together with Czech producer Juliette Sichel one of the guests of the festival. The second film is Ministry of Love directed by Pavo Marinkovic. Together with him actor Slobodan Milovanović and sound engineers Ludvik Bohadlo and Jan Paul visit personally the festival.

The third film Little Harbour will be introduced by the director Iveta Grófová and the composer Matěj Hlaváč. The movie won the Crystal Bear on Berlinale, an award by a children jury in the section Generation Kplus. The film distributor of Ministry of Love and Little Harbour in the Czech Republic is CinemArt.

The director Farid Eslam will introduce his documentary, this time dedicated to the alternative music scene in the Middle East, Yallah! Underground. Stray Dogs provides the distribution in the Czech Republic. Other festival guests are e.g. Italian director Giancarlo Soldi who will personally present his documentary Five wor(L)ds about the five major Italian filmmakers. Finally we are looking forward to see the protagonist of the music documentary Als Mensch ein Solist, jazz musician Günter “Baby” Sommer, whose concert will held after the screeening of the film on Saturday 8. 4. in Royal cinema.

Summary information from the press conference can be found in the press release.


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