New Realease of Romeo and Juliet - 28. Dny evropského filmu

New Realease of Romeo and Juliet

Romeo a Julie 2

Thursday 14. 4. 2016 / screening for schools at 9am / screening for seniors at 1pm / kino Lucerna

A renewed premiere of an Oscar-winning classic by the Italian director Franco Zeffirelli is a part of the celebration of the 400 anniversary of William Shakespeare’s death. The unique film from 1968 will have a lecture introduction by the biggest Czech Shakespeareologist and the ultimative translator of his work, Martin Hilský. The screening will be followed by a discussion lead by the experienced film pedagog Pavel Bednařík. He will analyse with the audience all the possibilities, how to interpret this Shakespeare’s adaptation.

More details about the film including a trailler could be found here.

If you don’t manage for the classic, you can try later for something really up-to-date: film with a three-course-dinner!


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